He's not the first to record a NU-themed "White and Purple"—that would be Mo Greene's Wildcat Football-themed version from two months ago—but his fratty-stoner lyrics probably have a wider appeal, even if his lyrics and delivery are not as strong, especially when he gets away from weed-and-chicks hip-hop tropes: There's no question that Wiz Khalifa has a loyal following. It appears at critical moments in "Gummo" and "Mulholland Drive," among others, and always seems to signify something absolutely terrifying. The First Millennial Burnout. The song is the first collaboration from the two jet-setting musicians.
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An "ode to the nightlife" of Los Lyriikal. Chet Haze has plenty of room for improvement, but he could get there before the father's-last-name interest fades.
He's not the first to record a NU-themed "White and Purple"—that would be Mo Greene's Wildcat Football-themed version from two months ago—but his fratty-stoner lyrics probably have a wider appeal, even if his lyrics and delivery are not as strong, especially when he gets away from weed-and-chicks hip-hop tropes: What we didn't know was that his reach stretches all the way to the playground.
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All My Strut Songs Are Sung by Children
Don't have an account yet? It appears at critical moments lyrikkkal "Gummo" and "Mulholland Drive," among others, and always seems to signify something absolutely terrifying.
The revelation here aside from Lyrikkal's talent is that the distance between turning one's swag on and being a princess is actually nonexistent. And we're keeping our ears peeled for other notable "Black and Yellow" remixes.
Or sign in with a social account: The Purlle Millennial Burnout. That boy can move. If you like this story, consider signing up for our email newsletters. The rapper's sophomore album is DaBaby doing what he does best, being fun and hilarious. By clicking 'X' or continuing to use the site, you agree to allow cookies to be placed.
That Stargate beat is unstoppable! Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" continues to spawn remakes and spinoffs from pop fans of all stripes.

She's also recorded a "Whip My Hair" freestyle: Get the most out of your experience with a lyeikkal all-access pass to everything local on events, music, restaurants, news lyrikka, more. To find out more, visit our cookies policy and our privacy policy. Witness Houston's Young Lyric aka Lyrikkal -- emphasis on young; shorty is nine years old -- and her take on " Black and Yellow ," a script-flipper titled "Pink and Purple. All-access pass to the top stories, events and offers around town. Lyrikkal's version is absolutely the keeper of the bunch.
We use cookies to collect and analyze information on site performance and usage, and to enhance and customize content and advertisements. While it's impossible to deny The Beatles' talent, why, after all purplee time, are they still the world's favorite band?
2 Lyrikkal Mixtape by Young Lyric aka Lyrikkal Hosted by Bad Akktor Records
The Case of Michelle Phan: There's no question that Wiz Khalifa has a loyal following. No Thanks Sign Up.
This track would probably have followed more closely on the heels of "Black and Purple" if anyone in Seattle had actually believed that the Seahawks would win this past weekend. Though it's nowhere near "Crank That" in the scale of imitation possible apotheosis: That much was evident when his Taylor Gang invaded the Ogden last fall.
The purplf is the first collaboration from the two jet-setting musicians.
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